更多资讯 服务协议 森大厦应用系统隐私政策

Mori Building China Application Systems Privacy Policy


This policy applies only to the products and/or services provided by Mori Building China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. ("we") to our users ("you"), in whatever form or manner, through the Mori Building China Application System Software ("[Mori Building China Application System]"). Services include but are not limited to the service provided to you directly or indirectly at various events that we sponsor, undertake or participate in. These services include but are not limited to our user registration, authentication, license plate entry, order fulfillment, space reservation, voice of customer, property service application, visitor appointment and the extended products and/or services provided through [Mori Building China Application System]. If a separate privacy policy or term is applied for a specific product and/or service that we provide, that privacy policy or term will take precedence and this Policy will apply to the extent that privacy policy or term is not covered


It shall be specially noted that, this Policy will not apply to the products and/or services provided to you by your partners by access to the [Mori Building China Application System], and the products and/or services provided to you by third parties shall be governed by their privacy policies described separately to you.


This Privacy Policy is updated on: June 01, 2024


The Privacy Policy becomes effective on: June 01, 2024


You shall, to a large extent, indicate that you have carefully read and confirmed agreement to this Policy by linking and using [Mori Building China Application System]. If you do not agree to be bound by this Policy, please use [Mori Building China Application System] carefully or provide us with your personal information and make choices as you think appropriate.

1.  我们会收集有关您的哪些个人信息

  1. What personal information will we collect about you


You shall understand that, the products and/or services provided by us to you are updated and developing from time to time, and if the function of a product and/or service is not reflected in this policy but your personal information is actually collected, we will otherwise explain to you by means of page prompts, interactive procedures, announcement or otherwise.


Core Business Function


The products and/or services we provide rely on certain personal information to operate. When we request you to provide this personal information, you may choose not to provide it. If you decide not to provide us with your personal information, this may limit our connections with you. For example, we may not be able to provide the products and/or services you have requested.


When you choose to use our products and/or services, the information that you need to provide to us or allow us to collect includes:

1.1 用户注册

1.1 User Registration


When you register your account, we may collect your mobile phone number, name, ID number, nickname, account photo, email address, date of birth, gender, and region. This information is collected to assist you to complete your user registration, to generate your online identity in connection with our products and/or services to enable you successfully receive our products and/or services, and to keep you account safe. Mobile phone number is sensitive information. Such information is collected to satisfy the relevant laws, regulations, policies and the network real-name system requirements of competent authorities. If you fail to provide this information, you may not be able to use our products and/or services normally. In order to meet the requirements of relevant laws, regulations, policies and competent authorities, when you use [Mori Building China Application System], you may be required to conduct real-name certification to enjoy relevant functions. You agree that we may collect your true identity information, including name, ID No., date of birth, etc., for the purpose of verifying your true identity through the system of competent authorities or the system authorized/instructed by competent authorities.

1.2 用户认证

1.2 User Authentication


When you use the authentication information function to authenticate to the enterprise, we need to collect your name, mobile phone number, company, office email (optional) and building access card number. The above information shall be the basic information for verification application. If you refuse to provide the information, you will not be able to be verified to the enterprise, which will affect your further access control and other functions.

1.3 车牌录入

1.3 License Plate Entry


If you use License Plate Entry Service, you are required to submit license plate number information for parking charges and parking discount credited.

1.4 完成订单

1.4 Completion of Order


In order to complete order payment, you are required to select a payment method. If you choose a third party payment company or financial institution to provide your payment service, we will share your information relating to your order payment, order security and other necessary information required by anti-money laundering laws with the third party payment company through SDK or API interface; if you choose the financial institution to make the payment, we will also share your necessary bank card payment information, including bank card number, validity period, with the corresponding financial institution you choose.


In order to keep us promptly informed of and confirm your payment progress and status and to provide you with dispute resolution service, you agree that we may collect payment progress relevant information from the counterparty, payment company or other financial institution you choose.

1.5 空间预约/客户之声/物业申请

1.5 Space Reservation/Voice of Customer/Property Service Application


If you use Space Reservation/Voice of Customer/Property Service Application, we will collect name, phone number, company name information.

1.7 访客预约

1.7 Visitor Reservation


If you use the visitor reservation function, you are required to fill in your name, ID card number, mobile phone number, visiting company, visiting authority, other ID card number, etc.

1.6 日志信息

1.6 Log Information


When you use [Mori Building China Application System], in order to ensure your normal use of our products and/or services, maintain the normal operation of our products and/or services, improve and optimize the experience of our products and/or services and protect the security of your account, we will collect information such as your device model, CPU and device memory, operating system version, operating system name, IP address for logging on, communication protocol, method of network access, type and status of the network, network quality data, device manufacturer, client domain name, device identifier, device brand and model, mobile operator, browser version, browser name, operation log, service log and other log information, which are the basic information that must be collected for the provision of products and/or services.

1.7 消息

1.7 Message

当您使用消息等功能时,为支持跨设备消息数据获取,通知消息(包括文字、图片、照片、视频及语音等) 会在服务器中临时保存,因为存储是实现这一功能所必需的您也可以随时删除这些信息。除非经您自主选择或遵从相关法律法规要求,我们不会对外提供上述会话及消息信息,或者将其用于该功能以外的其他用途。为满足相关法律法规、政策及相关主管部门要求,必要情况下,我们将您的上述信息内容用于识别和过滤色情、暴力、政治、辱骂、恶意广告等不当内容,以此净化网络环境,维护健康的上网环境。

To support cross-device message data harvesting when you use the message and other functions, notification messages (including text, images, photos, videos, voices, etc.) will be temporarily saved on the server, as storage is necessary for the implementation of the cross-device message function, and you may delete such information at any time. Unless you choose at your sole discretion or unless required by applicable laws and regulations, we will not provide the above session and message information to the public or use it for any purpose other than the implementation of the cross-device message function. In order to comply with the relevant laws, regulations, policies and requirements of relevant authorities, where necessary, we may use the above information to identify and filter pornographic, violent, political, abusive, malicious advertising and other inappropriate content so as to purify the network environment and maintain a healthy Internet environment.

1.8  多媒体及附件

1.8 Multimedia and attachments


If you need to upload documents such as pictures or attachments during the information input process when you use the comment feedback and other functions requiring information entry, [Mori Building China Application System] will request your permission to access the photo album, the camera or the documents. Refusal to provide the information will not result in uploading pictures or attachments, but it will not affect the entry of other information fields.

1.9  地理位置

1.9 Geographic Location


When you select an item or fill in addressing information and other functions which require positioning,[Mori Building China Application System] will request the right to position from you. You may also set the current geographic location manually when selecting an item or filling in addressing information. As the information is sensitive, refusal to provide the information will only make you unable to use the above functions, but will not affect your use of other functions that we provide.

1.10  APP权限获取说明



To enhance the safety or convenience of your use of the products and/or services of [Mori Building China Application System], we may in the least necessary way to apply to you for the above rights. Please note that all rights will not be turned on by default, and will be considered authorized only with your explicit consent. Our obtaining a specific right does not mean that we will definitely collect relevant information about you; even if we have obtained sensitive rights, we will only collect and use relevant information about you when necessary and in accordance with this Policy.

(1) 相机与相册

(1) Camera and photo album


If you use the comment feedback and other functions that need to input and upload information,[Mori Building China Application System] will request you for permission to allow the program to access the camera to take photos or access the photo album, and may use multimedia content after authorization. If you choose not to turn on this right, you will not be able to use the specific features to which this right relates, but will not affect your use of other products and/or services that we offer.

(2) 闪光灯

(2) Flash


When you use the swipe function, [Mori Building China Application System] will request you for permission to access the flash, and may turn on the fill flash after authorization. If you choose not to turn on this right, you will not be able to use the specific features towhich this right relates, but will not affect your use of other products and/or services that we offer.

(3) 网络

(3) Network


The products and/or services provided by [Mori Building China Application System] are based on the state that the application program has connected to the network, and when you use the products and/or services provided by [Mori Building China Application System], [Mori Building China Application System] will request you for permission to allow the program to access the network connection, to allow the program to change the network state, to allow the program to obtain the network information state, to allow the program to obtain the state of the current Wi-Fi access and the information of the WLAN hotspot, and to allow the program to change the Wi-Fi state. If you choose not to turn on this right, [Mori Building China Application System] will not be able to connect to the network, and you willnot be able to use the specific features to which this right relates, but will not affect your use of other products and/or services that we offer.

(4) 与消息推送相关的权限

(4) Permissions related to message pushing


When you use the products and/or services provided by [Mori Building China Application System], in order to maintain the operation of the system and keep the accuracy and timeliness of message pushing, [Mori Building China Application System] will request you for the permissions of front-end service, waking up the machine, allowing the program to run after the phone screen is turned off, ignoring battery optimization, allowing the program to obtain task information, and allowing the program to run automatically upon startup. If you choose not to turn on this right, the message push service may be affected, but will not affect your use of other products and/or servicesthat we offer.

(5) 显示系统窗口的权限

(5) Permission to display system windows


When you use the products and/or services provided by [Mori Building China Application System], [Mori Building China Application System] will request you for the permission to allow the program to display system windows, for pop-up display of system windows. If you choose not to turn on this right, you will not be able to use the specific features to which this right relates, but will not affect your use of other products and/or services that we offer.

(6) 计步数据获取

(6) Pedaling data acquisition


When you use the products and/or services provided by [Mori Building China Application System], [Mori Building China Application System] will request you for the permission to authorize the APP program to acquire the step count of the terminal, for the step count integral activity to acquire your step count. If you choose not to turn on this right, you will not be able to use the specific features to which this right relates, but will not affect your use of other products and/or services that we offer.



You can set the above permissions for certain products and/or services through [Mori Building China Application System], check the status of your access permissions, and decide to turn on or off these permissions. By turning on these permissions, you authorize us to collect and use such Personal Information to achieve the above mentioned functions. By turning off these permissions, you revoke your authorization, and we will not continue to collect and use such Personal Information from you and cannot provide you with the above mentioned functions that correspond to such authorization. Your decision to turn off these permissions will not affect previous processing of Personal Information that was based on your authorization.

2. 我们如何使用信息

2. How we use information

2.1 我们会根据我们收集的个人信息来提供各项业务功能,我们也会使用上述个人信息来维护和改进各项业务功能。

2.1 We use the Personal Information we collect to provide our business functions, and we will use such Personal Information to maintain and improve our business functions.

2.2 根据法律法规、政策及相关主管部门要求,在您使用我们的产品及/或服务时,我们会将您的个人信息用于身份验证、客户服务、安全防范、诈骗检测、预测或禁止非法活动、存档和备份用途,确保我们向您提供的产品及/或服务的安全性

2.2 In accordance with the laws, regulations, policies and requirements of relevant authorities, when you use our products and/or services, we may use your Personal Information for identity verification, customer service, security, fraud detection, prediction or prohibition of illegal activities, archival and backup purposes, to ensure the security of the products and/or services that we provide to you.

2.3 为了确保产品及/或服务的安全性,并优化我们的产品及/或服务,提高我们的运营质量,帮助我们更好地了解和分析【森大厦应用系统】的运行情况,我们可能记录相关信息,例如,您使用应用程序的频率、故障信息、崩溃数据、总体使用情况、性能数据以及应用程序的来源。我们不会将我们存储在分析软件中的信息与您在应用程序中提供的任何个人身份信息相结合。

2.3 To ensure the security of our products and/or services, to optimize our products and/or services, to improve the quality of our operations, and to help us better understand and analyze the performance of [Mori Building China Application System], we may record information such as, for example, the frequency of your use of the Application, fault information, crash data, overall usage, performance data, and the source of the Application. We will not combine the information that we store in our analytical software with any of the Personally Identifiable Information that you provide in the Applications.

2.4 如我们使用您的个人信息,超出了与收集时所声称的目的及具有直接或合理关联的范围,我们将在使用您的个人信息前,再次向您告知并征得您的明示同意。

2.4 If we use your Personal Information for any purpose other than that directly or reasonably related to the purpose for which it was collected, we will re-inform you and obtain your express consent prior to using your Personal Information.

2.5 为了维护您及/或我们的权益,我们会将您的个人信息用于解决与您相关的争议。

2.5 In order to protect your and/or our rights and interests, we may use your Personal Information to resolve disputes which concern you.

2.6 我们会将您的个人信息用于经您授权的其他用途。

2.6 We may use your Personal Information for other purposes with your authorization.

3. 我们如何委托处理、共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息

3. How do we entrust, share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

3.1 委托处理与共享

3.1 Entrustment of Processing and Sharing


Without your express consent, we will not entrust the processing of your Personal Information with any company, organization or individual other than ourselves. To improve the quality and efficiency of personal information processing, we may entrust competent partners (including affiliates) to process information on our behalf to the extent permitted by laws, regulations, policies and requirements of relevant competent authorities. These scenarios may include, but are not limited to, entrusting the processing of your Personal Information with our affiliates, partners, cloud service providers and business service providers.


In order to facilitate office users to enjoy the benefits of office tenants, your Personal Information may be entrusted to partners ( including affiliates) or be shared with partners (including affiliates). We will only entrust the processing and share necessary Personal Information, and such entrustment and sharing shall be subject to this Policy. If partners (including affiliates) wish to change the purpose of the processing of the Personal Information, they shall obtain your authorization and consent again.


We solemnly undertake that, we will comply with laws, regulations, policies and requirements of relevant competent authorities and relevant regulations on entrustment of processing and sharing of Personal Information, fully review and evaluate the capability of such partners (including affiliates) to protect Personal Information, require such partners (including affiliates) to strictly abide by the confidentiality obligation by means of written agreement or audit, use technology to desensitize (or other processes ) the Personal Information entrusted for processing, and prohibit them from using such Personal Information for any purposes not agreed with by you. Prior to entrusting such partners (including affiliates) with processing your Personal Information, we will sign relevant confidentiality agreements or Personal Information protection agreements with such authorized partners, requiring such partners (including affiliates) to take corresponding protective measures in strict accordance with relevant laws, regulations and standards to effectively protect your Personal Information.


If there are circumstances under which your Personal Information is entrusted of processing and sharing, or you need us to entrust the processing and sharing of your Personal Information beyond the original authorized purposes or methods of use, we will directly or indirectly obtain your re-consent through partners (including affiliates).


If you refuse partners (including affiliates) to be entrusted with the processing or sharing of your Personal Information collected by us for the purpose of normal provision of products and/or services, it may be impossible for you to use or enjoy relevant products and/or services.

3.2 转让

3.2 Transfer


Unless otherwise provided in this Policy, we will not transfer your Personal Information to any company, organization or individual, except for the following circumstances:


(1) Transfer with Express Consent: we may transfer your Personal Information to other parties after obtaining your express consent;


(2)In the event of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, in case of transfer of Personal Information, we will require the new company or organization holding your Personal Information to continue to comply with this Policy; otherwise, we will require such company or organization to obtain consent from you again; and


(3)Transfer that is necessary according to laws, regulations, policies and requirements of relevant competent authorities.


If there are circumstances under which your Personal Information is transferred, or you need us to transfer your Personal Information beyond the original authorized purposes or methods of use, we will directly or indirectly obtain your re-consent through the assignee of the Personal Information.


If you refuse to transfer your Personal Information collected by us for the purpose of normal provision of products and/or services, it may be impossible for you to use or enjoy relevant products and/or services.

3.3 公开披露

3.3 Public Disclosure


We will only make public disclosures of your personal information under the following circumstances:


(1)after obtaining your express consent;


(2)Disclosure Based on Laws: we may publicly disclose your Personal Information if compulsorily required by laws, regulations, legal proceedings, judicial activities or governmental authorities.

3.4 另外,根据相关法律法规及国家标准,以下情形中,我们可能委托处理、共享、转让、公开披露个人信息无需事先征得个人信息主体的授权同意:

3.4 In addition, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards, under the following circumstances, we may entrust processing, share, transfer or publicly disclose Personal Information without prior authorized consent from the Personal Information Subjects:


(1)Related to the performance of obligations by the controller of Personal Information as stipulated by laws and regulations;


(2)Directly related to the security of the State and national defense;


(3)Directly related to the public safety, public health or material public interest;


(4)Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution, etc.;


(5)In order to protect material legitimate rights and interests such as the life and property of the Personal Information Subjects or other individual, but it is difficult to obtain the authorization from them;


(6)The Personal Information that you disclose to the public on your own;


(7)Collect Personal Information from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, disclosure of government information or other channels;


(8)According to your requirements, it is necessary to enter into and perform contracts;


(9)Use necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as finding and handling defects of the products and/or services;


(10)Other circumstances provided by relevant laws and regulations.


In accordance with laws, regulations, policies and the requirements of relevant competent authorities, the personal information we entrust the processing, sharing, transfer and public disclosure which will be de-identified or otherwise technically processed to ensure that the relevant information cannot be recovered or re-identified as you, then the follow-up processing of such information shall not be the acts of entrusted processing, sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information and will be processed without further notice to you and obtaining your consent.

4. 我们如何使用Cookie和同类技术

4. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

4.1 Cookie的使用

4.1 Use of Cookies

为确保网站正常运转、为您获得更轻松的访问体验,我们会在您的计算机或移动设备上存储Cookie、Flash Cookie,或浏览器(或关联应用程序)提供的其他通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符的本地存储(统称“Cookie”)。

To ensure the correct functioning of our websites and to provide you with an easier access experience, we may store on your computer or mobile device a cookie, Flash cookie or other local storage provided by your browser (or associated application) that typically contains an identifier, a site name, and certain numbers and characters (collectively, a "cookie").


Cookies and related technologies are commonly used in industries involving Internet use and are neutral technologies that enable website servers to store data on or read data from clients. As required by laws, regulations, policies and requirements of relevant authorities, we and our third party partners (including affiliates) may collect your personal information by placing secure cookies and related technologies in order to provide you with better products and/or services. We strictly require third party partners including affiliates to comply with this Policy and other compliance requirements.

4.2 网络Beacon和同类技术的使用

4.2 Use of Internet Beacon and Similar Technologies

除Cookies 外,我们还会使用网络Beacon等其他同类技术。通常会包含一些电子图像(称为"单像素" GIF 文件或 "网络 Beacon")。我们使用网络Beacon的方式有:

In addition to cookies, we also use other similar technologies such as Internet Beacon. This typically contains some electronic images (referred to as a "single pixel" GIF file or "Internet Beacon"). We use Internet Beacon in the following ways:

(1)通过使用网络Beacon,计算用户访问数量、停留时间,并通过访问 Cookies 辨认注册的用户;

(1)With the use of Internet Beacon, calculate the number of visitors, the time spent on them, and identify them as visitors through the use of cookies;


(2)Provide you with personalized products and/or services through the use of cookies information we receive.


You understand that we may not use cookies for any purposes other than those described in this Policy, and that we may offer certain products and/or services that may only be achieved through the use of cookies. If your browser or browser add-on services so allow, youmay modify the acceptance or reject cookies or use traceless settings to access [Sons Building Application System], but modifying or rejecting cookies may result in the non-availability of some functions that rely on cookies.

5. 我们将您的个人信息保留多久

5. How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Information


We will only retain your personal information locally for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Policy, unless retention is mandated by law. Our criteria for judging the aforementioned time periods include:


(1) Fulfilling the purposes of transactions relating to you, maintaining relevant transaction and business records and responding to any inquiry or complaint you may have;


(2)Ensuring the safety and quality of products and/or services provided by us to you;


(3)Whether you agree to a longer retention period;


(4)Whether there is any other specific agreement upon the retention period.


After the retention period of your personal information expires, we will delete or anonymize your personal information as required by applicable laws.

6. 我们如何保护您的个人信息

6. How Do We Protect Your Personal Information

6.1 保障措施

6.1 Safeguard Measures


We endeavor to protect the security of your personal information by various technical and administrative measures that conform to industry standards. We maintain comprehensive data security controls through confidentiality agreements, data exchange agreements and audits to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. We provide secure encryption method (such as https) to prevent data theft during transmission; we deploy access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized persons have access to personal information; and we hold regular information security and privacy protection training to raise the awareness of employees and third parties with regard to information security and protection.


We endeavor to take all reasonable and practical steps to ensure that no unrelated personal information is collected. We will retain your personal information only for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Policy, unless such retention period may be extended under policy requirements or permitted by law.


The Internet environment is not 100% secure. There is the possibility that our physical, technical or management protection facilities or equipments may be damaged, or that the relevant information may be unauthorized accessed, publicly disclosed, tampered with or destroyed, which may result in damages to your lawful rights and interests. Under such circumstances, we will immediately take remedial measures and use our best efforts to ensure the security of the personal information you provide to us.

6.2 保存地域

6.2 Storage Area


We store personal information collected within the territory of China in accordance with laws, regulations, policies and the requirements of relevant authorities. We do not transmit or store your personal information across borders. In the future, where we need to transmit to an overseas institution relevant personal information collected within the territory of the PRC due to some of our products and/or services involving cross-border business, we will, in accordance with laws, regulations, policies and the requirements of relevant competent authorities and upon meeting the corresponding conditions, notify you of the name and contact information of the overseas recipient, purpose and method of processing, types of personal information involved, detailed rules on cross-border transmission of personal information and the ways and procedures for you to exercise legitimate rights against the overseas recipient, specify the obligations and responsibilities of each party by means of signing an agreement, supervision & verification, security audit and other measures, and take necessary measures to ensure that the processing of your personal information by the overseas recipient meets the statutory standards on protection of personal information. Where your consent is required by law, we will obtain your separate consent.


The personal information that we collect and produce within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China, except for the following circumstances:


(1)As expressly provided by laws and regulations;


(2) Requiring your authorization or consent separately;

6.3 安全认证

6.3 Security Certification


We have successively passed the Grade II Certification on Information Security Protection from the Ministry of Public Security and established sound coordination and communication mechanism with regulatory authorities and third party assessment and evaluation institutions, resisted and dealt with various information security threats in a timely manner and provided all-round guarantee for your information security.

6.4 安全事件

6.4 Security Incidents


In the event of an unfortunate personal information security incident, we will immediately take remedial measures and set up a special emergency group to initiate emergency plans in order to prevent the security incident from expanding. We will inform you of the basic information and possible impacts of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take to deal with the incident, suggestions for risk prevention and reduction on your own and the remedial measures for you in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. We will promptly inform you of the relevant circumstances of the incident by email, letter, telephone, push notice and other means. Where it is difficult to inform personal information subjects one by one, we will publish the announcement in a reasonable and effective way. Meanwhile, we will also actively report the responses to personal information security incidents as required by regulatory authorities.

7. 您对自己的个人信息拥有哪些权利

7. What Rights Do you Have to Your Personal Information

7.1 访问您的个人信息

7.1 Access to Your Personal Information


You shall have the right to access your personal information subject to the exceptions provided by laws and regulations. You may access such information at your own discretion in the following ways:

7.1.1 昵称、邮箱基本信息:

7.1.1 Nickname, email basic information:


(1)After entering into [Mori Building China Application System], click "My- My Information-Change Information";


(2)Access for information enquiry.

7.1.2  访问消息记录

7.1.2 Access to Message Records


(1)After entering into [Mori Building China Application System], click "Messages";


(2)System messages can be accessed to notify system messages;


If you are not able to access such personal information by yourself in the above manner, you may contact us via the published method set out in "10. How to Contact Us" and your suggestion will be dealt with in an immediate manner.

7.2 更正您的个人信息

7.2 Correction of Your Personal Information

7.2.1  当您发现我们处理的关于您的个人信息有错误时,您有权要求我们作出更正。您可以通过“7.1访问您的个人信息”中罗列的方式自行进行更正。

7.2.1 You have the right to request us to make correction where you become aware of an error in the personal information we have processed about you. You may make such correction at your own discretion in the manner set out in "7.1 Access to Your Personal Information".

7.2.2  如果您无法通过上述方式更正这些个人信息,您可以通过“10.如何联系我们”公布的方式联系我们,您的意见将会得到及时的处理。

7.2.2 If you are not able to correct such personal information by yourself in the above manner, you may contact us via the published method set out in "10. How to Contact Us" and your suggestion will be dealt with in an immediate manner.

7.3 注销您的账户

7.3 Cancellation of Your Account

7.3.1  您可以通过“10.如何联系我们”公布的方式联系我们注销您的账户。

7.3.1 You may close your account by contacting us via the published method set out in "10. How to Contact Us".

7.3.2 在注销账号之后,我们将停止为您提供产品及/或服务,我们将按照法律法规、政策及相关主管部门要求留存您的相关信息;超出法定保存期限后,我们将删除或匿名化处理您的个人信息

7.3.2 After closing your account, we will cease to provide you with products and/or services. We will retain relevant information about you in accordance with the laws, regulations, policies and requirements of relevant authorities. We will delete or anonymize your personal information after the expiration of the legal retention period.

7.4 删除您的个人信息

7.4 Deleting Your Personal Information


You may make a request to us for deleting personal information in the following circumstances:


(1) If our processing of the personal information violates the law or regulation;


(2)If we collect or use your personal information without your prior consent;


(3)If our processing of the personal information breaches the agreement with you;


(4)If you no longer use our products and/or services or you cancel your account;


(5)If we no longer provide you with products and/or services.


If we do respond to your request for deletion, we will also notify the entities who have obtained your personal information from us and require them to promptly delete the information unless provided otherwise by law or regulation or where such entities have an independent authorization from you. If you delete information from our products and/or services, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information in back-up system but may delete the information at any time the back-up is updated.

7.5 改变您授权同意的范围

7.5 Changing the Scope of Your Authorized Consent

7.5.1  每个业务功能需要一些基本的个人信息才能得以完成。对于额外收集的个人信息的收集和使用,您可以随时给予或收回您的授权同意。

7.5.1 Every business function requires some basic personal information to be performed. You may at any time provide or withdraw your authorized consent for the collection or use of additional personal information.

7.6 响应您的上述请求

7.6 Responding to Your Request above

7.6.1  为保障安全,您可能需要提供书面请求,或以其他方式证明您的身份。我们可能会先要求您验证自己的身份,然后再处理您的请求。我们将在十五个工作日内作出答复。

7.6.1 For security purposes, you may be required to provide a written request or otherwise identify yourself. We may ask you to verify your identity prior to processing your request. We will provide a response within 15 business days.

7.6.2  如您对处理不满意,请通过如下“10.如何联系我们”中的渠道进行申诉。

7.6.2 If you are not satisfied with the result of your request, please file a complaint through the channels set out in "10. How to Contact Us" below.

7.6.3  对于您合理的请求,我们原则上不收取费用,但对多次重复、超出合理限度的请求,我们将视情收取一定成本费用。对于那些无端重复、需要过多技术手段(例如,需要开发新系统或从根本上改变现行惯例)、给他人合法权益带来风险或者非常不切实际(例如,涉及备份磁带上存放的信息)的请求,我们可能会予以拒绝。

7.6.3 In principle, we shall charge no fee for your reasonable requests; however, we may charge a certain cost for repeated or unreasonable requests. We may refuse a request if it is gratuitous, technically demanding (for example, if it requires the development of a new system or a fundamental change in current practices), puts others' legitimate interests at risk, or is impractical (for example, if it relates to information stored on backup tapes).

7.6.4  在以下情形中,我们可能无法响应您的请求:

7.6.4 We may not be able to respond to a request if:


(1)Relates to the controller of personal information performing his/her obligations as set forth by laws and regulations;


(2) Directly related to the security of the state and national defense;


(3)Directly related to the public safety, public health or material public interest;


(4) Where the transfer is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement of judgment, etc.


(5)The controller of personal information has abundant evidence to prove that the personal information subject acts with subjective malice or abuses rights;


(6)In order to protect material legitimate rights and interests such as the life and property of the personal information subject or other individual, but it is difficult to obtain the authorization from them;


(7)Responding to the request of the personal information subject will cause serious damages to the legitimate rights and interests of the personal information object or other individuals or organizations; and


(8)Trade secrets are involved.

8. 关于处理未成年人的个人信息

8. Handling of Personal Information of Minors

我们非常重视对未成年人的个人信息保护。 We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. 如您未满十八周岁,您需要在您父母或者法定监护人的监督和指导下使用我们的产品或接受我们的服务,并取得您父母或者法定监护人的同意后方可使用【森大厦应用系统】。请您通知您的父母或者法定监护人,在其陪同下共同阅读本政策,寻求您的父母或者法定监护人的同意和指导。您完成相关注册、登记流程并使用我们的产品及/或服务的行为,应理解为您对本政策的接受并取得了父母或者法定监护人的同意和指导。

If you are under the age of 18, you are required to use our products or services under the supervision and guidance of your parent (s) or legal guardian (s) and shall obtain the consent from your parent (s) or legal guardian (s) before using [Mori Building China Application System]. Please notify your parent (s) or legal guardian (s) and with them, you shall read this Policy together and seek the consent and guidance of your parent (s) or legal guardian (s). Your completion of relevant registration procedures and use of our products and/or services shall be understood as your acceptance of this Policy with the consent and guidance of your parent (s) or legal guardian (s).


In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under the age of 14, prior consent from your parent(s) or legal guardian (s) is required before you use [Sen Plaza Application System] and your parent (s) or legal guardian (s) shall help you read this Policy and the Personal Information Protection Policy so as to complete the relevant registration procedure and use our products and/or services under the supervision and guidance of your parent (s) or legal guardian (s). Your completion of the relevant registration procedure and use of our products and/or services shall be understood as your acceptance of this Policy with the consent and guidance from your parent (s) or legal guardian (s).


If you upload minor's personal information on [Mori Building China Application System], please ensure that you have obtained the consent of the parent (s) or legal guardian (s) of the personal information subject before the upload. If relevant parent (s) or legal guardian (s) disagree with your use of [Mori Building China Application System] to provide personal information to us in accordance with this Policy, you shall promptly delete such unauthorized personal information through [Mori Building China Application System] or through the channels in "10. How to Contact Us" below or request us to anonymize personal information.


If you are the parent (s) or legal guardian (s) of a minor, please read this Policy carefully and decide whether or not to consent to our processing of minors' personal information. Please pay attention to whether the minor under your guardianship provides his/her personal information by using [Mori Building China Application System] after obtaining your authorized consent or uses our products or receives our services under your supervision and guidance. Your and/or the relevant minor's completion of the relevant registration procedure and use of our products and/or services shall be understood as your and/or the relevant minor's acceptance of this Policy with your consent and guidance. If you disagree with this Policy or our processing of minors' personal information or disagree with a minor's use of [Mori Building China Application System] to provide his/her personal information in accordance with this Policy, please promptly request the minor to stop accessing or using [Mori Building China Application System] immediately or delete such unauthorized personal information through the channels in "10. How to Contact Us" below or request us to anonymize personal information.


8.1 How We Process Minors' Personal Information


If [Mori Building China Application System] are used to provide personal information to us with the consent of a minor's parent (s) or legal guardian (s), we will only use, entrust, share, transfer or disclose such information as permitted by laws and regulations, expressly consented to by the parent (s) or legal guardian (s), or necessary for the protection of the minor. We will always store minors' personal information within the period required by laws, regulations, policies and relevant competent authorities or as reasonably necessary for the realization of the functions of the Products and/or services. If a minor's personal information exceeds the specified period, the minors' personal information will be deleted or anonymized. If we find that we have collected a minor's personal information without the prior and verifiable consent of the minor's parent (s) or legal guardian (s), we will try to delete or anonymize the information as soon as possible.


If the minor and his/her parent (s) or legal guardian (s) request us to delete all or part of the minor's personal information or request us to anonymize all or part of the minor's personal information or withdraw the authorization for processing all or part of the minor's personal information, the minor may be unable to continue to use or enjoy the relevant products and/or services. However, the above decision will not affect the processing of minors' personal information previously carried out.


8.2 Protection of Minors' Personal Information


We have put in place security safeguards and technologies to protect minors' personal information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of data. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures and technologies to ensure that our processing of minors' personal information does not exceed our processing authority. However, the information network environment is not an environment of absolute security. Minors and their parents or legal guardians shall properly keep their accounts, passwords and other important data.


8.3 Minors' Personal Information Security Incidents


Upon the occurrence of any minors' personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with laws, regulations, policies and the requirements of competent authorities, inform minors and their parents or legal guardians of the basic information and possible impacts of the security incident, measures we have taken or will take in response to the incident, suggestions and remedial measures for minors and their parents or legal guardians to prevent and reduce the risks on their own. We will promptly inform minors and their parents or legal guardians of relevant information of the incident by way of email, letter, telephone or push notice. If it is difficult to inform them one by one, we will take reasonable and effective measures to publish public notice or take other remedies. Meanwhile, we will actively report the actions taken to the competent authority.

9. 本隐私政策如何更新

9.  How to Update this Privacy Policy


We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will take effect when we post the revised Privacy Policy on our Message Center. This Privacy Policy was last updated by the date indicated in the "Last Update" above. When the terms of the Privacy Policy change, we will show you the changed Privacy Policy by push notification, pop-up window or other appropriate means when you log in and when you update the Privacy Policy.


Please read the updated Privacy Policy carefully. If you disagree with or object to the updated Privacy Policy, you may choose to stop using or cancel your account. However, you shall be aware that, your use of [Mori Building China Application System] before termination or cancellation shall still be governed by this Policy or the previous version of this Policy.


Our [Mori Building China Application System] may include other links to matters over which we do not have ownership or control. We are not responsible for the content or privacy management of such links. Such contents are not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you would like to understand how these linked contents collect, use and share your personal information, please read the privacy policies attached to those linked contents.


Relevant state laws, regulations and policies that this notice shall comply with include Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Personal Information, Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations.

10. 如何联系我们

10. How to Contact Us


If you have any question, comment or suggestion, please contact us at the following contact information:

电子邮件: app@mori-building.com

Email: app@mori-building.com


This Privacy Policy is made in both English and Chinese. In case of any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.


Privacy Policy Version No: v 20240601