更多资讯 服务协议 森大厦应用系统软件许可及服务协议

Mori Building China Application System Software License and Service Agreement

Welcome to use the products and services of the applications systems of Mori Building China.

The User shall read and observe the Mori Building China Application System Software License and Service Agreement (this Agreement) and the Mori Building China Application System Privacy Policy and other relevant agreements to use the Mori Building China Application System Software (this "System"). The User shall be sure to read carefully and fully understand the terms and conditions, especially the exemption or limitation of liability clauses. The restrictions and disclaimers may remind the User in bold form.

When the User downloads, installs, registers account, logs in or uses the Service in other ways allowed by the System, the User shall be deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by the Mori Building China Application System Software License and Service Agreement, the Mori Building China Application System Privacy Policy and other relevant agreements. The User hereby covenants to accept and observe the provisions of this Agreement. The User shall not claim that this Agreement is null and void, or claim this Agreement is invalid on the grounds that the User fails to read this Agreement or receives the answers.

I. Scope of this Agreement

1.1 协议适用主体范围
1.1 Subject Scope of this Agreement

This Agreement constitutes an agreement between the User and Mori Building China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. ("Mori Building China") with respect to the usage of Mori Building China related service through the Website, mobile client and PC application software and other means. "User" refers to the individual or organization who registers, logs in, uses the System and the Service and obtains administrative authority, and is more commonly referred to as "You" or "User" herein.

1.2 协议内容和效力
1.2 Contents and Validity of this Agreement

This Agreement shall include the text hereof and all privacy policies, policies, rules, declarations, notices, warnings, reminders and instructions (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") issued or which may be issued by Mori Building China. These Rules shall be an integral part of this Agreement and have the same legal effect as this Agreement.

This Agreement shall include relevant agreements and business rules which may be issued by Mori Building China from time to time with respect to this Service. Once the above rules issues, these Rules shall be an integral part of this Agreement, and You shall comply with them.  

II 、 About the Service

2.1 本服务的内容
2.1 Contents of the Service

The Service shall mean the System provided by Mori Building China to you, and the service where part of function/service is integrated into the smart hardware, software or service of the Mori Building China's affiliates and/or other third parties as third party service provided to you (hereinafter referred to as "the Service", subject to the actual service provided by the System).

2.2 本服务的形式
2.2 Form of the Service

2.2.1 用户使用本服务需要注册本系统账号并下载本系统移动客户端软件,森大厦将向用户提供本系统的使用功能和使用说明等服务,并尽应有之努力保障本服务的正常运行。
2.2.1 To use the Service, users shall register accounts for the System and download the mobile client software of the System. Mori Building China will provide users with such service as use functions and instructions of the System and use its due endeavors to ensure the normal operation of the Service.

2.2.2 本服务中本系统移动客户端软件提供包括但不限于iOS、Android等多个应用版本(具体以提供的版本为准),用户必须选择与所安装终端设备相匹配的本系统软件版本。本系统会不断丰富您使用本服务的终端、形式等,如您已注册使用一种形式的服务,则可以以同一账号使用其它服务,本协议自动适用于您对本系统所有版本的软件和服务的使用。
2.2.2 The mobile client software of the System herein provides several application versions, including but not limited to iOS, Android and others (subject to the specific versions provided). The user must select the software version of the System which matches the installed terminal equipment. The System will constantly enrich the terminals, forms and others for you to use the Service. If you have registered for use of one form of service, you may use other services with the same account. This Agreement shall automatically apply to your use of all versions of the Software and services available through the System.

2.3 本服务许可的范围
2.3 Scope of the Service License

2.3.1 森大厦给予用户一项不可转让的、非排他性的许可,以使用本系统。
2.3.1 Mori Building China grants Customer a non-transferable, non- exclusive license to use the System.

2.3.2 本条及本协议其它条款未明示授权的其它一切权利仍由森大厦保留,用户在行使这些权利时须另外取得森大厦的书面许可。森大厦如果未行使前述任何权利,并不构成对该权利的放弃。
2.3.2 All other rights that are not expressly authorized in this article and other provisions of the Agreement shall be reserved to Mori Building China. The Customer shall obtain additional written authorization from Mori Building China in exercising such rights. Failure by Mori Building China to exercise any of the aforesaid rights shall not constitute a waiver of such right.


3.1 您可以直接从本系统的官网(https://app.mori-building.com)以及森大厦授权的第三方渠道(包括但不限于第三方网站、应用分发平台等)获取本系统。
3.1 You may obtain the System directly from the official website of the System (https://app.mori-building.com) or through third party channels authorized by Mori Building China (including without limitation third party websites, application distribution platforms, etc.).

3.2 如果您从未经森大厦授权的第三方获取本系统或与本系统名称相同的安装程序,森大厦无法保证该软件能够正常使用,并对因此给您造成的损失不予负责。
3.2 If you obtain the System or the installation program with the same name of the System from a third party which has not been authorized by Mori Building China, Mori Building China shall not guarantee that the software can be used properly, and shall not be responsible for any loss thus caused to you.

IV 、 Installation and Uninstallation of the System

4.1 森大厦可能为不同的终端设备开发了不同的本系统软件版本,您应当根据实际情况选择下载合适的版本进行安装。
4.1 Mori Building China may have developed different software versions of the System for different terminal equipment. You shall select and download the appropriate version for installation based on the actual situation.

4.2 下载安装程序后,您需要按照该程序提示的步骤正确安装,森大厦对您不正确安装所导致的任何损失不承担责任。
4.2 After you have downloaded the installation program, you shall follow the steps prompted by the program to correctly install the System. Mori Building China shall not be responsible for any loss caused by your incorrect installation.

V 、Updating of the System

5.1 为了改善用户体验、完善服务内容,森大厦将不断努力开发新的服务,并为您不时提供本系统更新(这些更新可能会采取软件替换、修改、功能强化、版本升级等形式)。
5.1 To improve user experience and update the Service, Mori Building China will make constant efforts to develop new services, and provide the System updates (such updates may take the form of software replacement, modification, enhancement, version upgrade etc.) to you from time to time.

5.2 为了保证本系统及服务的安全性和功能的一致性,森大厦有权不经向您通知而对本系统进行更新,或者对本系统的部分功能效果进行改变或限制。
5.2 To ensure the security and functional consistency of the System and Services, Mori Building China may update the System or change or restrict the functional effect of part of the System without notice to you.

5.3 本系统新版本发布后,旧版本可能无法使用,森大厦不保证旧版本继续可用及相应的客户服务,请您随时核对并下载最新版本。
5.3 The old version of the System may be unable to use after the release of a new version. Mori Building China does not guarantee the continuous availability of the old version or relevant customer service. Please check and download the latest version at any time.

VI 、 Collection and Use of Users' Personal Information

6.1 关于用户个人信息的收集、使用以不时更新的《森大厦应用系统隐私政策》规定为准。
6.1 The collection and use of users' personal information shall be subject to the provisions of the Mori Building China Application Systems Privacy Policy as updated from time to time.

6.2 In the following circumstances, Mori Building China shall not be liable:

(1)Any personal information is disclosed due to the fact that the user discloses the user password to another person or transfers or lends the account number to another person.

(2)Any personal information is disclosed, lost, embezzled or distorted due to force majeure that affects the normal operation of networks such as hacker attack, computer virus invasion or attack, temporary shutdown due to government restriction and so on.

(3)Personal information is disclosed due to other platforms/systems linked with the platform and any legal disputes and consequences arisen therefrom.

6.3 一般情况下,用户可随时浏览、修改自己提交的信息,但出于安全性和身份识别(如号码申诉服务)的考虑,用户可能无法修改注册时提供的初始注册信息及其它验证信息。 6.3 Generally, users can browse and change their personal information at any time. However, for the sake of security and identification (e.g. number reporting service), users may not be able to change the initial registration information and other verification information provided when registering.

VII 、 Rights and Obligations

7.1 账号使用规范
7.1 Account Using Standards

7.1.1 您在使用本服务前需要注册一个森大厦应用系统账号,森大厦应用系统账号需要通过手机号码或邮箱进行注册。森大厦有权根据用户需求或产品需要对账号注册方式进行变更。
7.1.1 You are required to register a Mori Building China application system account before using this Service, which shall be registered via mobile phone number or email. Mori Building China may change the account registration method based on user demands or product requirements.

7.1.2 森大厦应用系统账号的所有权归森大厦所有,用户完成申请注册手续后,仅获得森大厦应用系统账号的使用权,用户不得赠与、借用、租用、转让或售卖森大厦应用系统账号或者以其它方式许可他人使用。
7.1.2 The ownership of the application system account shall belong to Mori Building China. After completion of the application and registration formalities, the users shall only obtain the right to use the application system account. The users shall not donate, lend, rent, transfer or sell the account of the application system of  Mori Building China, or otherwise license others to use the account.

7.1.3  用户应当按照法律法规和服务要求,按相应页面的提示准确提供并及时更新用户的资料,以使之真实、及时,完整和准确。用户承诺不得冒充他人进行注册,不得未经许可为他人注册,不得以可能误导其它用户的方式注册账号,不得使用可能侵犯他人权益的用户名进行注册(包括但不限于涉嫌商标权、名誉权侵权等),否则森大厦有权注销该账号,且用户应当为前述情形可能导致森大厦或其分公司、母公司、子公司、关联公司、分支机构的损失承担全部责任。
7.1.3 A user shall, in accordance with the laws, regulations and service requirements, accurately provide and timely update the user information according to the instructions of the relevant websites. The information shall be real, timely, complete and accurate. The user undertakes that it shall not impersonate others to register, register for others without permission, register accounts in a way which may mislead other users, or register using the user name which may infringe upon others' rights and interests (including without limitation the infringement of trademark right and reputation). Otherwise, Mori Building China shall have the right to cancel such account and the user shall bear all liability for the losses which may be caused by the aforesaid circumstances to Mori Building China or its branches, parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and branch offices.

7.1.4 用户有责任妥善保管注册帐户信息及帐户密码的安全,用户需要对注册帐户以及密码下的行为承担法律责任。用户同意在任何情况下不向他人透露帐户及密码信息。当在您怀疑他人在使用您的账号时,您应立即通知森大厦。
7.1.4 A user is responsible for keeping the safety of the registered account information and the account password. A user shall be responsible for the registered account and any activities under the password. The user agrees not to disclose the account and password information to other person in any event. If you suspect that others are using your account, you shall inform  Mori Building China immediately.

7.1.5 用户注册森大厦应用系统账号后如果3年不登录该账号,森大厦有权回收该账号,以免造成资源浪费,由此带来的任何损失均由用户自行承担。
7.1.5 If a user does not login to the account within 3 years after the registration of the application system account of Mori Building China, Mori Building China shall have the right to recover the account so as not to cause waste of resources. Any loss arising therefrom shall be borne by the user itself.

7.1.6 用户确认,在用户完成注册程序或以其它森大厦允许的方式实际使用服务时,用户应当是具备完全民事权利能力和与所从事的民事行为相适应的行为能力的自然人、法人或其它组织。若用户不具备前述主体资格,请勿使用本服务,否则用户及用户的监护人应承担因此而导致的一切后果,且森大厦有权注销(永久冻结)用户的账户,给森大厦造成损失的,森大厦有权向用户追偿。如您代表一家公司或其它法律主体进行注册或以其它森大厦允许的方式实际使用本服务的,则您声明和保证,您有权使该公司或该法律主体受本协议的约束。
7.1.6 The user acknowledges that when the user completes the registration process or otherwise actually uses the service in a manner permitted by Mori Building China, the user shall be a natural person, legal person or other organization with the full capacity for civil rights and the capacity for action corresponding to the civil actions that he/she engages in. If the user does not possess the aforesaid capacity, please do not use the Service. Otherwise, the user and the user's guardian shall bear all the consequences arising therefrom, and Mori Building China shall have the right to cancel (permanently freeze) the user's account. Mori Building China shall have the right to claim compensation from the user for any losses arising therefrom. If you register on behalf of a company or other legal person or otherwise actually use the Service in a manner permitted by Mori Building China, you represent and warrant that you have the right to bind the company or other legal person to this Agreement.

7.1.7  在中国法律允许的前提下,森大厦保留可以任何理由随时终止或暂停用户登入本系统(或其任何部份)的权利而不另行通知且无需承担任何责任。
7.1.7 To the extent permitted by Chinese law, Mori Building China reserves the right to terminate or suspend the user's access to the System (or any part thereof) at any time for any reason without further notice and without any liability.

7.2 用户注意事项
7.2 Attention of Users

7.2.1 用户理解并同意:为了向用户提供有效的服务,本系统会利用用户终端设备的处理器和带宽等资源。本系统使用过程中可能产生数据流量的费用,用户需自行向运营商了解相关资费信息,并自行承担相关费用。
7.2.1 In order to provide an efficient Service to the User, the User understands and agrees that the System utilizes the resources of the User's terminal equipment, such as the processor and bandwidth. If data flow charges may be incurred in the use of the System, the User shall consult the Operator for relevant charges and bear relevant charges at its own cost.

7.2.2 企业用户理解并同意:本系统会让贵方的最终用户查询到本企业或组织内其他最终用户的信息,但贵方管理员可以通过管理权限限制贵方最终用户的信息查阅权限。在使用本服务管理贵方的最终用户信息时,贵方应当:
7.2.2 Business Users understand and agree that the System will make it possible for your end users to find information about other end users within your company or organization, but your administrator may limit your end users' access to information through administrative privileges. In using the Service to manage your end user information, you shall: 充分告知贵方最终用户使用本系统及本服务对用户信息、内容相关影响的政策规定; Keep your end users fully informed of your policies and regulations regarding the impact of the use of the System and the Service on the user information and content; 确保在使用本服务过程中对用户信息、内容的使用和处理遵从可适用法律法规的要求; Ensure that use and disposal of the user information and content in the course of using the Service comply with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations; 应对并处理贵方与贵方最终用户就用户信息、内容相关的,或因贵方未完全履行本条款所产生的所有争议及纠纷,并独立承担由此而产生的一切法律责任。 Handle and independently assume all legal liabilities arising from all disputes and controversies concerning the user information and content between you and your end users or arising from your failure to fully perform this Article.

7.2.3 用户在使用本系统某一特定服务或功能时,可能会另有单独的协议、相关业务规则等(以下统称为“单独协议”),且该特定服务或功能也可能由其它主体提供,用户在使用该项服务或功能前请阅读并同意该服务或功能提供者的相关单独协议、业务规则。用户使用前述特定服务,即视为用户接受相关单独协议、业务规则。
7.2.3 A user may stipulate separate agreement and business rules (collectively, the "separate agreement") in the use of a particular service or function of the System, and the particular service or function may also be provided by other parties. A user shall read and agree to the separate agreement and business rules concerning such service or function providers before using such service or function. If a user uses the aforesaid particular service, the user shall be deemed to have accepted the relevant separate agreement and business rules.

7.2.4 用户理解并同意森大厦将会尽其商业上的合理努力保障用户在本系统及服务中的数据存储安全,但是,森大厦并不能就此提供完全保证,包括但不限于以下情形:
7.2.4 The user understands and agrees that Mori Building China shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the security of user's data storage in the System and the Service, however, Mori Building China cannot provide complete warranty for the same, including without limitation the following circumstances: 森大厦不对用户在本系统及服务中相关数据的删除或储存失败负责,除非该等失败由森大厦过错造成; Mori Building China shall not be liable for the failure in deleting or storing relevant data of the user in the System and the Service, unless such failure is caused by the fault of Mori Building China; 森大厦有权根据实际情况自行决定用户在本系统及服务中数据的最长储存期限,并在服务器上为其分配数据最大存储空间等。用户可根据自己的需要自行备份本系统及服务中的相关数据; Mori Building China shall have the right to determine the maximum storage term of user's data in the System and the Service and to allocate maximum storage space of data on the server according to the actual circumstances. The user may back up relevant data in the System and the Service based on his/her own needs; 用户注册账户以后,无论用户是否使用本系统及服务,森大厦没有义务向用户返还任何数据。 After the registration as a user, no matter whether the user uses the System and the Service or not, Mori Building China is not obliged to return any data to the user.

7.2.5 用户在使用本系统及服务时,须自行承担如下来自森大厦不可掌控的风险内容,包括但不限于:
7.2.5 When using the System and the Service, the user shall bear the following risks of Mori Building China beyond its control, including but not limited to: 由于不可抗拒因素可能引起的用户信息丢失、泄漏等风险; Risks such as the loss, leakage of user information that may be caused by force majeure; 用户必须选择与所安装终端设备相匹配的本系统软件版本,否则,由于软件与终端设备型号不相匹配所导致的任何问题或损害,均由用户自行承担; The user must choose the version of the System's software that matches the terminal equipment installed; otherwise, any problem or damage caused due to the mismatch between the software and the terminal equipment shall be borne by the user; 用户在使用本系统访问第三方网站时,因第三方网站及相关内容所可能导致的风险,由用户自行承担; When the user visits a third party website by using the System, the user shall bear the risks that may be caused by the third party website or its relevant contents; 用户发布的内容被他人转发、分享,因此等传播可能带来的风险和责任; The potential risks and liability caused by the content released by the user is forwarded or shared by others; 由于网络信号不稳定、网络带宽小等网络原因,所引起的本系统登录失败、资料同步不完整、页面打开速度慢等风险。 The risks of failure in logging in the System, incomplete synchronization of data and slow opening of pages, etc. due to network reasons such as the unstable network condition, the small network bandwidth, etc.

7.3 第三方产品和服务
7.3 Third-party’s Products and Services

7.3.1  本系统提供的某些超链接可通到第三方平台,该等平台系这些第三方平台拥有人的财产,该等平台不属于森大厦或本系统的管理或监督范围。
7.3.1 Certain hyperlinks provided in the System may lead to third-party platforms, which are the properties of the owners of such third-party platforms and are beyond the scope of management or supervision of the System or Mori Building China.

7.3.2 用户在使用本系统第三方提供的产品或服务时,除遵守本协议约定外,还应遵守第三方的用户协议。森大厦和第三方对可能出现的纠纷在法律规定和约定的范围内各自承担责任。当用户通过本系统的超链接连接到该等平台时,请用户务必提高警惕,并且仔细阅读该等第三方平台的使用规则及隐私条款。
7.3.2 When using the product or service provided by a third party through the System, the user shall observe, in addition to the provisions of this Agreement, the third party's User Agreement. Mori Building China and the third party shall assume the respective liability for any potential dispute to the extent required and agreed by law. When the user connects to such platforms through the hyperlink of the System, the user is hereby advised to be vigilant and to read carefully the rules and privacy terms of such third party platforms.

7.3.3 因用户使用本系统或要求森大厦提供特定服务时,本系统可能会调用第三方系统或者通过第三方支持用户的使用或访问,使用或访问的结果由该第三方提供,森大厦不保证通过第三方提供服务及内容的安全性、准确性、有效性及其它不确定的风险,由此若引发的任何争议及损害,与森大厦无关,森大厦不承担任何责任。登录此类平台时产生的风险及任何因使用或信赖该等平台获取的产品、服务等所造成的损失将由用户自行承担。
7.3.3 When the user uses the System or requests specific service from Mori Building China, the System may call a third-party system, or a third party may be used to support the user's use or visit, and the results of use or visit are provided by the third party. Mori Building China shall not guarantee the safety, accuracy, validity and other uncertain risks of such service and content provided by third parties. Any dispute and damages caused thereby shall be irrelevant, and shall not be borne by Mori Building China. The user shall bear the risk generated by logging on such platforms and any loss caused by using or relying on the products and services obtained by using or relying on such platforms.

7.3.4 用户理解并同意,森大厦有权决定将本系统作商业用途,包括但不限于开发、使用本系统的部分服务为第三方作推广等,森大厦承诺在推广过程中严格按照本协议及《森大厦应用系统隐私政策》约定保护用户信息。
7.3.4 The user understands and agrees that: Mori Building China shall have the right to decide whether to use the System for commercial purpose, including but not limited to development and use of part of services of the System for promotion for a third party. Mori Building China undertakes to protect user information during the process of promotion in strict accordance with this Agreement and the provisions of Mori Building China Application Systems Privacy Policy.

VIII 、 Code of Conduct for Users

8.1 信息内容规范
8.1 Code of Information Content

8.1.1 本条所述信息内容是指用户使用本系统及服务过程中所制作、复制、发布、传播的任何内容,包括但不限于本系统账号头像、名称、用户说明等注册信息,或文字、语音、图片等发送、回复、公告和相关链接页面,以及其它使用本系统账号或本系统及服务所产生的内容。
8.1.1 The information content mentioned in this Article refers to any content produced, reproduced, released and disseminated by the user when using the System and its service, including but not limited to the account portraits, names, user instructions and other registration information, or text, voice, picture and other sending, replying, announcement and relevant link pages, and other contents generated by the use of the account of the System or the System and the service.

8.1.2 用户理解并同意,森大厦一直致力于为用户提供文明健康、规范有序的网络环境,您不得利用本系统账号或本系统及服务制作、复制、发布、传播、干扰本系统正常运营,以及侵犯其它用户或第三方合法权益的内容,包括但不限于:
8.1.2 The user understands and agrees that: Mori Building China has been dedicating to providing the users with a civilized, healthy and orderly network environment. You shall not use the account of the System or the System and the Service to produce, reproduce, release, spread any content that infringes legal rights and interests of other users or a third party, and interfere with the normal operation of the System , the mentioned behaviors including but not limited to: 发布、传送、传播、储存违反国家法律法规禁止的内容: Release, transmit, spread and store any content in violation of laws and regulations:

(1)Content in violation of the basic principles determined in the Constitution;

(2)Content that endangers national security, divulges state secrets, subverts the regime, or damages national unity;

(3)Content that harms the honor or interests of the State;

(4)Content that incites hatred or discrimination among ethnic groups, or damages ethnic solidarity;

(5)Content that violates national religious policies, or propagates heretical teachings or feudal superstitions;

(6)Content that disseminates rumors, disturbs social order, or damages social stability;

(7)Content that disseminates obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, or terror, or incites others to commit crimes;

(8)Content that insults or slanders others, or infringes upon others' legal rights and interests;

(9)Content that incites any assembly, association, procession or demonstration in violation of law, or gathering a crowd to disturb social order;

(10)Content that carries out activities in the name of an illegal non-governmental organization;

(11)Content that fails to meet the "seven bottom lines" of the Interim Provisions on the Administration of the Development of Instant Messaging Services and comply with the laws and regulations, the socialist system, national interests, legitimate rights and interests of citizens, public order, social morality and customs, and information authenticity; and

(12)Other contents prohibited by laws and regulations. 发布、传送、传播、储存侵害他人名誉权、肖像权、知识产权、商业秘密等合法权利的内容; Release, transmit, spread or store any content that infringes upon others' rights relating to reputation, portrait, intellectual property, trade secrets and other legitimate rights and interests; 涉及他人隐私、个人信息或资料的; Involve the privacy, personal information or data of others; 发表、传送、传播骚扰、广告信息、过度营销信息及垃圾信息或含有任何性或性暗示的; Release, transmit, or spread harassment, advertising, excessive marketing, spam or any sexual or sexual implications; 其它违反法律法规、政策及公序良俗、社会公德或干扰本系统正常运营或侵犯其它用户或第三方合法权益内容的信息。 Any other information that violates laws, regulations, policies, public order and good customs, social morals or disturbs the normal operation of the System, or infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or a third party.

8.2 本系统使用规范
8.2 Rules for Use of the System

8.2.1 除非法律允许或森大厦书面许可,用户使用本系统过程中不得从事下列行为:
8.2.1 Unless permitted by law or permitted by Mori Building China in writing, the user shall not: 删除本系统及其副本上关于著作权的信息; Delete any information regarding copyright in the System and its copies; 对本系统进行反向工程、反向汇编、反向编译,或者以其它方式尝试发现本系统的源代码; Reverse engineer, disassemble, or de-compile the System, or use any other means to attempt to discover the source code of the System; 对森大厦拥有知识产权的内容进行使用、出租、出借、复制、修改、链接、转载、汇编、发表、出版、建立镜像站点等; Using, renting, lending, copying, modifying, linking, reprinting, compiling, publishing and setting up mirror websites with respect to the intellectual property of which is owned by Mori Building China; 对本系统或者本系统运行过程中释放到任何终端内存中的数据、本系统运行过程中客户端与服务器端的交互数据,以及本系统运行所必需的系统数据,进行复制、修改、增加、删除、挂接运行或创作任何衍生作品,形式包括但不限于使用插件、外挂或非经森大厦授权的第三方工具/服务接入本系统和相关系统; Copy, modify, add, delete, attach the running of or create derivative works with the System or data released into the terminal memory in the operation of the System, data interacted between the client and server in the operation of the System and System data necessary for the operation, in any form including but not limited to accessing the System and relevant systems by using plug-ins or third-party tools/services not authorized by Mori Building China; 通过修改或伪造本系统运行中的指令、数据,增加、删减、变动本系统的功能或运行效果,或者将用于上述用途的软件、方法进行运营或向公众传播,无论这些行为是否为商业目的; Add, delete, or change the function or operation effect of the System by modifying or falsifying the instructions and data in operation of the System, or operate or disseminate to the public software or methods used for the above purposes by modifying or falsifying the instructions and data in operation of the System, regardless of whether such actions are for commercial purposes or not; 通过非森大厦开发、授权的第三方软件、插件、外挂、系统,登录或使用本系统及服务,或制作、发布、传播上述工具; Use any third party software, plug-in or system not developed or authorized by Mori Building China to login or use the System and service, or produce, publish, or disseminate the above tools; 自行或者授权他人、第三方软件对本系统及其组件、模块、数据进行干扰; Disturb, or authorize others or third party software to interfere with the System and its components, modules or data; 其它未经森大厦明示授权的行为。 Other actions without the express authorization of Mori Building China.

8.2.2 用户理解并同意,基于用户体验、森大厦应用系统或相关服务平台运营安全、平台规则要求及健康发展等综合因素,森大厦有权选择提供服务的对象,有权决定功能设置,有权决定功能开放、数据接口和相关数据披露的对象和范围。如果用户的行为存在以下情形,森大厦有权视具体情况中止或终止提供本服务,包括但不限于:
8.2.2 Users understand and agree that, based on such comprehensive factors as users' experience, the operational safety of Mori Building China's application systems or relevant service platforms as well as the requirements of platform rules and healthy development, Mori Building China shall have the right to select the objects of the services, decide the function settings, and decide the objects and scope of the opening of functions, data interfaces, and the disclosure of relevant data. If the behaviors of users are under any of the following circumstances, Mori Building China shall have the right to suspend or terminate the provision of the Service based on the specific circumstances, including but not limited to: 违反法律法规、本协议规定或不符合森大厦其它管理要求的; Violating laws, regulations, provisions of this agreement, or incompliance with other management requirements of Mori Building China; 从事影响本系统服务体验的行为; Engaging in activities affecting the service experience of the System; or 继续使用可能存在安全隐患的,包括但不限于对用户自身或第三方人身、财产构成安全隐患的,对公共安全构成安全隐患的等情形。 There may be potential security risks in the continuous use of the System, including but not limited to circumstances such as constituting potential security risks to the bodies or properties of users or any third party or constituting potential security risks to public security.

8.3 服务运营规范
8.3 Service Operation Norms

Unless permitted by law or approved by Mori Building China in writing, users shall not engage in any of the following activities in the course of using the Service:

8.3.1 提交、发布虚假信息,或冒充、利用他人名义的;
8.3.1 Submitting or disseminating false information, or pretending to be or using other's name;

8.3.2 诱导其它用户点击链接页面或分享信息的;
8.3.2 Inducing other users to click on interlink webpages or share information;

8.3.3 虚构事实、隐瞒真相以误导、欺骗他人的;
8.3.3 Fabricating facts and concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others;

8.3.4 侵害他人名誉权、肖像权、知识产权、商业秘密等合法权益的;
8.3.4 Infringing upon the rights to reputation, portrait, intellectual property, trade secrets and other legitimate rights and interests of others;

8.3.5 未经森大厦书面许可利用本系统账号和任何功能,进行推广或互相推广的;
8.3.5 Using the account numbers or any function of the System for promotion or mutual promotion without the written permission of Mori Building China;

8.3.6 利用本系统账号或本系统及服务从事任何违法犯罪活动的;
8.3.6 Using the account in the System or the System and Service to commit any illegal and criminal activities;

8.3.7 制作、发布与以上行为相关的方法、工具,或对此类方法、工具进行运营或传播,无论这些行为是否为商业目的;
8.3.7 Making and disseminating methods and tools relating to the abovementioned activities, or operating or disseminating such methods and tools, regardless of whether these activities are conducted for commercial purposes or not;

8.3.8 其它违反法律法规规定、侵犯其它用户合法权益、干扰产品正常运营或森大厦未明示授权的行为。
8.3.8 Other activities in violation of laws and regulations, infringing upon legitimate rights and interests of other users, disturbing the normal operation of products or not expressly authorized by Mori Building China.

8.4 对自己行为负责
8.4 Taking Responsibility for Own Behaviors

The user shall fully understand and agree that the user shall be responsible for all the behaviors under his/her account in the System, including any contents published by the user and any consequences caused thereby. The user shall make its own judgment on the Contents in the Service and shall bear all risks caused by the use of the Contents, including risks caused by its reliance on the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the Contents. Mori Building China cannot and will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by the aforementioned risks.

8.5 违约处理
8.5 Breach of Contract

8.5.1 如果森大厦发现或收到他人举报或投诉用户违反本协议约定的,森大厦有权不经通知随时对相关内容进行删除、屏蔽,并视行为情节对违规账号处以包括但不限于警告、限制或禁止使用部分或全部功能、账号封禁直至注销的处罚,并公告处理结果。
8.5.1 If Mori Building China detects or receives reports or complaints that the user violates this Agreement, Mori Building China shall have the right to delete or block the relevant content at any time without notice and to impose such punishments on the offending account as but not limited to warning, restriction or prohibition on using part or all functions, disqualification of the account and even cancellation of the account based on the circumstances of such violation. In addition, the punishments results shall be announced.

8.5.2 用户理解并同意,森大厦有权依合理判断对违反有关法律法规或本协议规定的行为进行处理,对违法违规的任何用户采取适当的法律行动,并依据法律法规保存有关信息向有关部门报告等,用户应独自承担由此而产生的一切法律责任。
8.5.2 The user understands and agrees that Mori Building China shall have the right to deal with any violation of relevant laws and regulations or this Agreement in its reasonable discretion, take appropriate legal action against any user who violates the laws and regulations, keep relevant information and report to relevant authorities in accordance with the laws and regulations, etc. The user shall solely bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom.

8.5.3 用户理解并同意,因用户违反本协议或相关服务条款的规定,导致或产生第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,用户应当独立承担责任;森大厦因此遭受损失的,用户也应当一并赔偿且承担可能产生的一切费用(包括但不限于诉讼费、律师费、差旅费等)。
8.5.3 The User understands and agrees that the User shall be solely liable for any claims, demands or losses claimed by third parties resulting from or arising out of the User's breach of this Agreement or relevant service terms and shall indemnify for and bear all possible expenses (including, without limitation, litigation cost, attorneys' fee and travel expense) suffered by Mori Building China as a result thereof.

IX 、 Service Fees

9.1 森大厦保留本系统的任何服务或功能后续收费的权利。森大厦有权提前10个工作日以公告形式通知用户收费标准,若用户继续使用则需按森大厦公布的收费标准支付费用。
9.1 Mori Building China reserves the right to charge for subsequent charges for any service or function of the System. Mori Building China shall have the right to notify the user of the standard of charges by announcement 10 working days in advance. If the user continues to use the System, the said user shall pay the service fees.

9.2 森大厦有权根据实际情况单方调整费用标准及收费方式,并提前10个工作日以公告形式通知您,而无需向用户特别通知或获得用户的事先同意,如用户不同意收费应当立即停止服务的使用,若用户在调整费用标准或收费方式后继续使用则视为用户已同意并应当缴纳费用。
9.2 Mori Building China shall have the right to unilaterally adjust the standard and method of charges based on the actual situation and shall notify you by announcement 10 working days in advance without special notice to the user or obtaining prior consent from the user. In the event that the user disagrees to charges, it shall stop the use of services immediately. In the event that the user continues to use the System after the adjustment of the standard and method of charges, the user shall be deemed to have accepted and paid the charges.

9.3 用户理解并同意,用户应当自行支付使用本系统可能产生的上网费以及其它第三方收取的通讯费、信息费等。
9.3 The user understands and agrees that the user shall bear by itself the Internet fee that may be incurred from the use of the System and the communication and information fees charged by other third parties.

X 、 Responsibility for Terminal Security

10.1 用户理解并同意,本系统同大多数互联网软件一样,可能会受多种因素影响,包括但不限于用户原因、网络服务质量、社会环境等;也可能会受各种安全问题的侵扰,包括但不限于他人非法利用用户资料,进行现实中的骚扰;用户下载安装的其它软件或访问的其它网站中可能含有病毒、木马程序或其它恶意程序,威胁用户的终端设备信息和数据安全,继而影响本系统的正常使用等。因此,用户应加强信息安全及个人信息的保护意识,注意密码保护,以免遭受损失。
10.1 The user understands and agrees that the System, as most Internet software, may be affected by many factors, including but not limited to reasons attributable to the user, network service quality, and social environment; and may be affected by various security issues, including but not limited to the harassment in reality by illegal use of user information; and other software downloaded and installed by the user or other websites visited by the user may contain virus, trojan horse or other malicious programs, which may threaten terminal equipment information and data security of the user which may in turn affect the normal use of the System. Therefore, the user shall strengthen information security and personal information protection and pay attention to password protection so as to avoid loss.

10.2 用户不得制作、发布、使用、传播用于窃取本系统账号及他人个人信息、财产的恶意程序。
10.2 Users shall not create, release, use and spread malicious programs for the purpose of stealing accounts in the System and others' personal information or properties.

10.3 维护软件安全与正常使用是森大厦和用户的共同责任,森大厦将按照行业标准合理审慎地采取必要技术措施保护您的终端设备信息和数据安全,但是用户承认和同意森大厦并不能就此提供完全保证。
10.3 Maintaining software security and normal use is the responsibility of both Mori Building China and the user. Mori Building China will reasonably and carefully adopt necessary technical measures to protect the security of your terminal equipment information and data according to the industry standard, but the user acknowledges and agrees that not all complete guarantees can be provided by Mori Building China.

10.4 在任何情况下,用户不应轻信借款、索要密码或其它涉及财产的网络信息。涉及财产操作的,请一定先核实对方身份,并请经常留意森大厦有关防范诈骗犯罪的提示。
10.4 Under no circumstances should the user be relied upon for loans, password or other network information involving property. Do verify the identity of the counterparty in case of handling of property, and always pay attention to the tips for fraud prevention.

XI 、 Third Party Software or Technology

  11.1 本系统可能会使用第三方软件或技术(包括本系统可能使用的开源代码和公共领域代码等,下同),这种使用已经获得合法授权。
11.1 Third-party software or technology (including open source codes and public domain codes that may be used in the System, same as below) may be used in the System, and such use has been legally authorized.

11.2 本系统如果使用了第三方的软件或技术,森大厦将按照相关法规或约定,对相关的协议或其它文件,可能通过本协议附件、在本系统安装包特定文件夹中打包、或通过开源软件页面等形式进行展示,它们可能会以“软件使用许可协议”、“授权协议”、“开源代码许可证”或其它形式来表达。前述通过各种形式展现的相关协议、其它文件及网页,均是本协议不可分割的组成部分,与本协议具有同等的法律效力,您应当遵守这些要求。如果用户没有遵守这些要求,该第三方或者国家机关可能会对用户提起诉讼、罚款或采取其它制裁措施,并要求森大厦给予协助,用户应当自行承担法律责任。
11.2 If third party software or technology is used in the System, Mori Building China shall display relevant agreements or other documents in accordance with relevant laws and regulations or agreement, which may be by means of appendixes hereto, a package in a specific folder of the System installation package or an open source software page, and they may be expressed by "Software Usage License Agreement", "Authorization Agreement", "Open Source Code License" or other forms. The said relevant agreements, other documents and webpages shall be an integral part of this Agreement, and shall have the same legal validity as this Agreement. You shall comply with these requirements. If the user fails to comply with these requirements, the third party or national authority may institute litigation, fines or take other sanctions against the user and request assistance from Mori Building China. The user shall bear legal liability at its own expense.

11.3 如因本系统使用的第三方软件或技术引发的任何纠纷,应由该第三方负责解决,森大厦不承担任何责任。森大厦不对第三方软件或技术提供客服支持,若用户需要获取支持,请与第三方联系。
11.3 Any dispute caused by any third party's software or technology used in the System shall be settled by such third party, and Mori Building China shall not be liable for it. Mori Building China does not provide customer service support for third party software or technology. Should the user need any support, please contact any third party.

XII 、 Disclaimer and Limitation of Liabilities

12.1 用户理解并同意:本系统及本服务按“如是”的状态提供,森大厦对本服务不作任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于对本服务的可适用性、持续性等。
12.1 The user understands and agrees that the System and the Service are provided on an "as is" basis, and Mori Building China makes no express or implied warranty with respect to the Service, including without limitation the applicability and continuity of the Service.

12.2 用户理解并同意:在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到不可抗力等风险因素,使本服务发生中断,因此而引发的损害及后果,森大厦不承担任何责任。不可抗力是指不能预见、不能克服并不能避免且对一方或双方造成重大影响的客观事件,包括但不限于自然灾害如洪水、地震、风暴、疫情等以及社会事件如战争、动乱、政府行为等。
12.2 The user understands and agrees that the Service may be interrupted by force majeure and other risk factors during the use of the Service and Mori Building China shall not be liable for any damages and consequences arising therefrom. Force Majeure refers to any objective event which is unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable and has significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, storm, epidemic and social events such as war, turmoil and government action.

12.3 在适用法律允许的范围内,森大厦在任何情况下(不论何种原因)均不承担如下责任:
12.3 To the extent permitted by the applicable law, in no event (regardless of the reason), Mori Building China shall be liable for:

(1) Any indirect, intentional, punitive, incidental, exemplary, special or consequential damages;

(2)Loss of business or opportunities;

(3)Loss of revenue;

(4)Loss of profits;

(5)Loss of goodwill;

(6)Loss of content;

(7)Loss of data.

XIII 、 Intellectual Property Statement

13.1  森大厦及其关联公司是本系统的一切著作权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密等知识产权的权利人。与本系统相关的所有信息内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、音频、视频、图表、界面设计、版面框架、有关数据或电子文档等)均受中华人民共和国法律法规和相应的国际条约保护,森大厦及其关联公司或相关权利人享有上述相应知识产权。
13.1 Mori Building China and its affiliates are the holders of all the intellectual property rights of the System, such as copyright, trademark, patent right and trade secrets. All the information content (including but not limited to texts, pictures, audio, video, graphics, interface designs, layout frames, relevant data or electronic documents) relating to the System shall be protected by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and relevant international treaties. Mori Building China and its affiliates or relevant right holders shall have the corresponding intellectual property rights.

13.2  未经森大厦及其关联公司或相关权利人书面同意,用户不得为任何商业或非商业目的自行或许可任何第三方实施、利用、转让上述知识产权。
13.2 Without the written consent of Mori Building China, its affiliates or the relevant right holder, the Customers shall not practice, utilize or transfer the aforesaid intellectual property on themselves or through any third party for any commercial or non-commercial purpose.

13.3  未经森大厦的书面许可,严禁用户对本系统的内容进行系统获取以直接或间接创建或编辑文集、汇编、数据库或人名地址录(无论是否通过robots、spiders、自动仪器或手工操作)。
13.3 Without the written permission of Mori Building China, the Customer is strictly prohibited from systematically accessing content in the System for the purpose of creating or editing, directly or indirectly, a corpus, compilation, database or directory (whether or not by robots, spiders, automatic instruments or manually).

13.4   对于森大厦及其关联公司拥有知识产权的任何内容,除中国法律另有规定的外,未经前述知识产权权利人书面许可,任何人不得全部或部分地复制、修改、转发、播出或在非森大厦所属的服务器上做镜像或以其他任何方式使用。
13.4 Unless otherwise provided under PRC law, with respect to any content over which Mori Building China and its affiliates hold intellectual property rights, no one may, in whole or in part, reproduce, modify, transmit, broadcast, or mirror on the servers other than Mori Building China or otherwise use such content without the written permission of the aforesaid intellectual property rights holder.

13.5  未经森大厦明确书面同意,用户不得用设计或运用设计技巧把森大厦或其关联公司的商标、标识或其他专有信息(包括图像、文字、网页设计或形式)用作自己的商标、标识或专有信息。
13.5 Customers shall not use the trademarks, logos or other proprietary information (including images, text, web design, or otherwise) of Mori Building China or its affiliates as their own by using the designs or design techniques, without the express written consent of Mori Building China.

XIV 、 Miscellaneous

14.1 用户使用本系统即视为用户已阅读、知晓并同意受本协议的约束。森大厦有权在必要时修改本协议条款。森大厦可能会以包括但不限于在相关服务页面展示、网页公告、网页提示、电子邮箱、手机短信、常规的信件传送、用户注册使用本服务的账号管理系统内发送站内信等方式中的一种或多种,向用户送达关于本服务的各种规则、通知、提示等信息,用户可以在本系统的最新版本中查阅相关协议条款。本协议条款变更后,如果用户继续使用本系统,即视为用户已接受修改后的协议。如果用户不接受修改后的协议,应当停止使用本系统。
14.1 By using the System, Customer is deemed to have read, acknowledged and agreed to be bound by this Agreement. Mori Building China shall have the right to modify the provisions hereof, if necessary. The Mori Building China may deliver various rules, notices, reminders and other information regarding the service to the users by one or more of the following means, including but not limited to display on relevant service webpages, webpage announcement, webpage reminder, e-mail, short message, regular letter delivery, sending intra-site mail in the account management system for the users' registration and use of the service, and the users may consult the relevant agreement clauses in the latest version of the system. If the Customer continues using the System after the terms of this Agreement are changed, Customer shall be deemed to have accepted the modified Agreement. If the Customer does not accept the modified Agreement, Customer shall cease using the System.

The Customer agrees that the failure of the Customer to receive the relevant rules, notices, reminders and other information due to the inaccuracies of the Customer's e-mail address, mobile phone number, mailing address or other reasons not attributable to the Mori Building China shall not affect the legal effect of the information on the Customer. The Customer shall be bound thereby and shall bear all consequences and liabilities arising therefrom.

The Customers warrants that during performance of the Agreement, their acts will not cause the Mori Building China or its personnel to violate the Mori Building China Code of Conduct and Business Ethics.

14.2 本协议签订地为中华人民共和国上海市浦东新区。
14.2 This Agreement is signed in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, People's Republic of China.

14.3 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律(不包括冲突法)。
14.3 The formation, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of mainland China (excluding conflict of laws).

14.4 若用户和森大厦之间发生任何纠纷或争议,首先应友好协商解决;协商不成的,用户与森大厦同意将纠纷或争议提交本协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院管辖。
14.4 Any dispute or dispute between the Customer and the Mori Building China shall be first resolved through friendly negotiation; if such negotiation fails, the Customer and the Mori Building China agree to submit such dispute or dispute to the people's court with competent jurisdiction located in the execution place of this Agreement.

14.5 本协议所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本协议涵义解释的依据。
14.5 Titles of articles herein are only for convenience of reading and have no actual meanings themselves and shall not be regarded as the basis for the interpretation or construction of this Agreement.

14.6 本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效或不可执行,其余条款仍有效,对双方具有约束力。
14.6 Where any article in this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable in part due to any reasons, the remaining article shall survive and be binding upon both parties hereto.

14.7  森大厦对本协议任何条文的任何单次放弃,均不得视为对该条文或任何其他条文的进一步放弃或持续放弃。
14.7 Any single waiver by Mori Building China of any provision hereof shall not be deemed to be further or a continuing waiver of that or any other provision.

14.8 本协议以中英文书写,如果中文版本与英文版本有任何不一致的,以中文版本为准。
14.8 This Agreement is made in both English and Chinese. If there is any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(End of text)  

Mori Building China (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.