More information Update log v1.0.0 20240509 Officially released

v1.0.0 20240509 正式发布




  • 森大厦APP是一款由森大厦(上海)有限公司为上海环球金融中心(SWFC)和恒生银行大厦(HSBT)的租户和来访者所开发的移动应用生态系统。

  • 我们将通过该系统为您提供一系列数字化、智能化的高品质服务,以此来满足您在不同场景下的需求,为您提升工作效率和丰富生活品质。

  • 如果您成为我们的注册用户,您将可以第一时间获取两栋大厦的最新信息,并可以享受我们提供的服务,通过消费行为获取的积分兑换福利、以及参与绿色社区的活动实现绿色生活,共建可持续社区。

  • 如果您进一步认证成为我们的租户,在上述功能外将享受更多的便捷功能与专属服务,包括二维码入馆、空间预约、线上物业申请、访客登录、租户专属福利与活动等。

  • The Mori Building China APP is a comprehensive online service application created by Mori Building China (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. for tenants and visitors of Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC) & Hang Seng Bank Tower (HSBT).

  • We will provide you with a series of digitalized, intelligent and high-quality services through this App, as a way to meet your needs in different scenarios, enhancing your work efficiency and quality of life.

  • If you are registered as our APP user, you will be able to get the latest information about the two buildings. You can also enjoy the services provided by us, redeeming benefits through points obtained from consumption behavior. What’s more, you can achieve a green lifestyle by participating activities in Green Community and build a sustainable community together.

  • If you are further identified as our tenant, you can enjoy more convenient functions and exclusive services in addition to the above functions, including QR Code Access, Space Reservation, Property Procedures and Visitor Registration, tenant’s exclusive benefits and activities etc.