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Building Services

Includes [Recommended Services] and [Customized Services]

Recommended Services

According to the current visited building and logged-in account identity, corresponding exclusive services will be displayed.

Customized Services

Mori Building China APP provides various services, which can be customized according to user needs. Commonly used service functions can be customized. (As shown in the following figure), you can customize the addition and deletion of services that appear on the home page.

  • Click [More] to view the list of all services
  • Click [Manage] in the upper right corner of the [Service List] page to add or delete top-level service areas Tip: How to remove Top Services?
  • Click the red icon in the upper right corner of the [Top Services] area to delete the currently default service
  • Click the [+] icon in each section service below to pin the service

Latest Information

This section provides the latest news on all recommended Events, Gift & Coupon related to the building.

Bottom Menu

  • Home: Provides diverse property services and Latest Information.
  • Life: Provides diverseHot events, stores,Gift & Coupon information and detail entry..
  • QR Code: Provides Access Card, User code..
  • Messages: Provides Property Services, Event Information, Information Declaration, account changes, etc.
  • My: Personal Information modification and Switch Language.